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Save the EARTH, save the ENVIRONMENT, save EVERYONE!

Halt global warming today!
Earth, environment, everyone will introduce you to the new, nobler lifestyle: the vegan lifestyle that encompases all life on this planet. We will also provide you with occasional quick tips that improve the lives for all beings. More will come, including constructive news on good humanitarian works around the world, as well as vegan recipes. Enjoy!
Feel free to leave your comments/greetings at the cbox. :)
If you have any enquiries please send them to climateconscious@hotmail.com

A brief introduction
Earth, environment, everyone got its name from the link that global warming affects the earth, environment, and everyone.

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    We have an emergency: The time for action is now
    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    "... There was a time, when humans killed other humans for their flesh. Now, it has become a crime. We call it murder... A future day is dawning, where killing animals, will also be considered a crime..."

    ~ Supreme Master Ching Hai

    There is no guarantee that we can survive. We have the responsibility to take care of this planet.

    The government has been telling us to wash our hands, to maintain good hygiene, so that we will not contract diseases. But have you ever wondered? We have been washing hands from Singapore being a third world country to a first world country. Yet these diseases are still present, and it is about time we ponder why.

    We are fortunate to be given this brain so that we can think, and make choices. We have been given the privilege to have to ability to make decisions, and differentiate right from wrong. We have been in control of all the beings of this planet, but still, we have done it wrongly. For many years, we have been the 'superior' beings in this planet, we appear to have power. But this power have been used in the wrong path, and now, it is destroying us.

    We are at the top of the predator chain. Because we seem to have more capabilities in comparison to the other animals, we have thrown away our noble lineage, and have in fact abused our power. We have advanced in technology, since many million years ago, we now have cars, aeroplanes, and even chips to record information that are smaller than the size of your thumb! However, there is still something we lack. Something that is the most important factor of all, something that we need the most, something that we cannot live with. If we lose that precious gift, we might even perish. And this thing? Is love. It is compassion.

    We think we are the ones in charge. We assume that all under us have no important nor significance. Therefore, just at the point of a finger, we can kill thousands of our fellow co-inhabitants. Just from the one spoken word, millions of our sweet, beloved animals will be murdered. Are we no different from 秦始皇? But we are still here, criticizing him, unaware that we are also guilty for this inhumane practice. From a single world "chicken", that is so easy to utter, we kill trees, we destroy soil, we separate families, we bring sorrow, we spread misery, we erase freedom, we create anger, we cause death, we make suffering, we introduce floods, we cruelly force people into hunger.

    This is the invisible impact of our meat consumption. Are we truly aware of what we are consuming? I have heard people claim to be afraid of blood, yet the still consume it three times a day! We have shattered the blood, meat, bones, muscle, eyes, stomach and life of our innocent animals, just for the pleasure of one meal. We are unaware of how they are suffering. So, we just order as we like, we murder as we like, aren't we criminals? Are we not guilty for pulling down this beautiful planet? In the past, the word 'disease' was not even in the dictionary, however now, it appears to be everywhere! Pig's disease, swine flu, mad cow disease, where do we get all these from?!?! People just pass it off as a common disease, that it will die down after a while. But here's a question, what if it doesn't? It is just the truth, that they cannot do anything about it anymore! They tell you to wash your hand, ok, it's quite reasonable. But then after that, they encourage you to eat meat, what horrible nonsense! We are just bringing disasters to ourselves.

    It is similar to a leaking tap. The tap is on full blast, and here we are, grabbing mop after mop, trying to clean up the mess. When another puddle appear, you just shout "grab me another pail! another cloth! come help wipe this area!", and continue your blind cleaning. Tell me, how are you ever going to get the floor dry if you don't ever turn off the tap -- the source of all these suffering? Similarly, if we don't ever close down the factory farms, we will never make it.

    If you cause others to suffer, do you think you yourself will be spared? People just look at the price tag, which states $3.50 for a plate of duck rice. So we happily order it, gobble it down, and that's it for us. But it is not like that! Not only can the money not pay the price for taking the duck's life, but you also owe the duck a blood debt. Now, is this what you want?

    Stealing the mother from the baby ducklings, leaving them on their own. Never learning to swim, who is there to protect them from the 'baddies'? We are eating our own flesh, yet we claim it to be tasty. Therefore, we have brought upon ourselves all sorts of unimaginable diseases, like the current swine flu. If the whole world was to continue, this disease is no doubt to swipe out the whole world. It takes billions, trillions of years to create this planet, with so many wonderful beauties, can you bear to watch it collapse, into a complete desert, just because we are unwilling to put down that piece of meat? I cannot imagine, how you cannot make the connection; at a movie where the chicken is slaughtered, you cry you shout "No! Spare it! Don't kill the chicken!" and then when the show ends, you laugh away, and order a plate of chicken rice. So what about the chicken on your plate? Now, even the animals are fearful of us.

    So what is the point of telling you this? We are establishing this blog to inform you, that there is hope. There truly is hope! We can change our destiny if we are truly sincere. And the solution is so simple, just be a vegetarian. Forgo all the cruel, disgusting meat, and live a carefree life, free of guilt, free of sorrow, free of debt. You can find mock meat at supermarkets near your home, it is very convenient. It is meat that is causing all the diseases, diabetes, and all sorts. Being vegetarian doesn't mean you lack nutrition, you feel even more light, more energetic, and this is the way you were meant to be. Do not forget your noble mission in this life.


    VIP QUOTES AD – Climate Change

    If the future of the world depended on me, what would I do?

    Ban Ki-moon: The hour is late, it’s time to decide. I’m quite confident that you will make the choice wisely. In addressing global warming issues, the scientists have made it quite clear

    Prince Charles: Climate change, as a self inflicted wound, if you like…

    Rajendra Pachauri: …can wipe out the very meager assets.

    Al Gore : We have a climate crisis that is a planetary emergency.

    Maneka Gandhi: We are so, so close to the red line, that perhaps we may wake up tomorrow and find that there is nothing to save after all.

    James Hansen: We have reached a point where we have a real emergency.

    Kofi Annan: The message should be clear, climate change must take its place along those threats like conflict, poverty.

    Jose Manuel Barroso: Climate change is responsible for conflicts that can only deepen in the future if we don’t act as soon as possible.

    Bill Clinton: It (Climate Change) is the only thing that I believe has the power to fundamentally end the march of civilization as we know it.

    Louis Michel: You will have a catastrophe added to another catastrophe.

    Ken Livingstone: Climate change means catastrophically violent weather.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger:…like wild fires and devastation.

    Antonio Villaraigosa: Rising sea levels.

    Jeffrey Sachs: Rising food prices.

    Condoleezza Rice: To the spread of disease.

    Prince Charles: The North Polar ice cap is melting so fast. But what seems to me to be important is that some of the effects we are witnessing now are happening twice as fast as scientists were predicting just five years ago.

    George Bush: A report issued earlier this year by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded both that global temperatures are rising, (and) that this is caused largely by human activities.

    Rajendra Pachauri: And if you look at the 4th assessment report of the IPCC, we’ve assessed several stabilization scenarios.

    Yvo de Boer: In 2010, there could already be as many as 50 million environmentally displaced persons due to climate change, desertification and deforestation.

    Henriettta H. Fore: Experts tell us that the situation underlying the crisis is not a temporary one.

    Robert Zoellick: And it is getting more and more difficult every day.

    Ken Livingstone:… and there is no guarantee that human civilization can survive.

    Prince Charles: The doomsday clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight; we are simply not reacting quickly enough.

    Hilary Benn: Do we need to move faster to answer the question? Yes we do! Because we have less time than we thought we had.

    Rajendra Pachauri: So climate change is obviously going to have a major negative impact.

    Achim Steiner: The scale and the pace of environmental change at the beginning of the 21st Century are a serious wake up call to us as human beings on this planet.

    Michael Bloomberg: We know without a doubt that global warming is a reality and the question today is not “is it happening?” and not “is it bad?”, but what are we going to do about it?

    Ban ki-Moon: We are all part of the problem of global warming. Let us all be part of the solution.

    Yvo de Boer: The challenge you face is to prove to people that you are serious about adaptation to the unavoidable.

    Rajendra Pachauri: Meat production and consumption is hugely intensive in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.

    Marianne Thieme: …more than all cars, trucks and ships added together.

    Maneka Gandhi: Unless we change our food choices, nothing else matters, because it is meat that is destroying most of our forests, it is meat that pollutes the waters, it is meat that is creating disease which leads to all our money being diverted to hospitals. So it is the first choice for any body who wants to save the Earth.

    David Miller: The food we eat and how it is grown and the kind of food we eat matters a lot.

    Ronan Lee: Everything comes with an environmental price, beef production in particular.

    Rajendra Pachauri: We consume far too much meat in this world!

    Marianne Thieme: There’s where the climate problem is: our meat consumption!

    Rajendra Pachauri:…something that’s harmful even for human health!

    Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung Bin: Today, if we want to reduce CO2 emissions, the vegetarian lifestyle is absolutely a very effective way. The difference between a vegetarian diet and a meat diet is the reduction in CO2 emissions, which is almost 3 times as high with a meat diet. Furthermore, the vegetarian diet is very good for our health.

    David Miller: I do eat a lot of vegetarian meals; I think that’s something we can all do.

    Andrew Bartlett: That’s one of the easiest ways that we can make an immediate and quite substantial impact.

    Ronan Lee: There are some wonderful environmental benefits in terms of taking a couple of steps lower down the food chain.

    Hilary Benn: And the choice we face is a really simple one actually.

    Marianne Thieme: Just for one day or more than that, become a vegetarian.

    Condoleezza Rice: Let us approach climate change not simply as a looming future threat, but as a present opportunity to work together.

    Antonio Villaraigosa: The time for action is now.

    Hilary Benn: What can I, what can the government do to help? What can you do to help? How can we do this together?

    Gavin Newsom: And it’s about what we do from this point on and this point forward.

    Matt Petersen: Individuals can take action.

    Helen Clark: We have to play our part.

    Kofi Annan: And as individuals through the choices we make, the purchases we make…

    Dr. James Hansen: If we once understand this and take the necessary actions, then we actually have a much better situation.

    Rajendra Pachauri: …and if you eat less meat, you will be healthier and so will the planet!

    Dalai Lama: Then, there’s some kind of realization of individual responsibility to take care of this planet.

    Richard Branson: Our generation has inherited an incredibly beautiful world and it’s really in our hands whether our children inherit the same world.

    Ken Livingstone: That is our duty, so that our children can have a decent quality of life on this planet.

    Prince Charles: We cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change.

    Rajendra Pachauri: It’s a win-win situation if you eat less meat!

    Hilary Benn: Living in harmony with the natural world is the only way for the future, 9 billion people, one planet, one chance to get it right.

    Rajendra Pachauri: Go Veg, Be Green and Save our planet.

    High Qualilty Download : http://video.godsdirectcontact.net/mpg/ClimateChange.mpg


    the green frog signed off @ 6:44 PM