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Save the EARTH, save the ENVIRONMENT, save EVERYONE!

Halt global warming today!
Earth, environment, everyone will introduce you to the new, nobler lifestyle: the vegan lifestyle that encompases all life on this planet. We will also provide you with occasional quick tips that improve the lives for all beings. More will come, including constructive news on good humanitarian works around the world, as well as vegan recipes. Enjoy!
Feel free to leave your comments/greetings at the cbox. :)
If you have any enquiries please send them to climateconscious@hotmail.com

A brief introduction
Earth, environment, everyone got its name from the link that global warming affects the earth, environment, and everyone.

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  • I will save the earth

  • Loving Hut (Singapore)

  • Atlas of our changing environment

  • Lifestyle changes for a healthy planet

  • Kids for saving Earth

  • Light ship

  • Romanian vegan recipes

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    Designer; {lolilovee/:D}
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    Are you going to wait until the point of no return?
    Sunday, July 5, 2009

    Some of you might have noticed the little countdown just below the clock. And it puts there: "Global warming: the point of no return". The point of no return? Yes, it is coming to doomsday.

    Just today, when we were eating at Xing Hua Vegetarian Restaurant (this branch is located at Tampines Street 21, Block 201D. They also have branches at Middle Road and Bencoolen opposite Sim Lim Square), I was looking at the heavy rain pouring down from the sky, pelting down on the top of the cars lining across the car park. Ripples formed, it was like watching a 'mini fountain', while the strong wind blew against your face. It was a nice scene, especially if you were indoors, but it also appeared to be one of the 'before storm' states; where the winds were a little stronger, blowing off the roof of your house. Then, you would be shivering in the wind, with probably only a thin blanket to keep you warm, while the rain continues to pour onto your head, drenching you and your hair, and blurring your vision. This is what happens to other poor countries in the world. Now you ask yourself. Why?

    Climate change is the answer.

    We are no doubt running short of time. It's only 1298 days left today, to save the world. Can you imagine if the counter shows 0 days left only? Then if the world if not saved, we would be awaiting our death. It's similar to all those shows you watch about the 'end of the world'. By that time, we cannot do anything anymore, even if you finally decide to turn vegetarian, it would be too late. No amount of tears or sorrow, or regret and repent, can turn back the clock again. Even if you, at the crucial point, completely stop eating meat, what can you do? By then, you would only have about a day to become a compassionate vegetarian, or worse still, maybe you could be left with only a few hours to turn vegetarian or vegan. It doesn't matter how sincere you are then, nothing can be changed at the point of no return. That is why it is called the point of no return, no? Won't it be a pity if we were to lose lives then? Still, when we have set our minds straight, and decide to adopt the peaceful vegan diet, won't it be a little too short of time? So why won't you start now? Or do you really want to wait till that day, only to find that you have nothing to save anymore?

    When we reach that day, I hope that the world would have already been saved. Then, there would be no point in putting a countdown anymore! All would be fine, all would be taken care of by Mother Nature. But, how I worry for the people of the world! When will they finally wake up? It will not be an instant death, but rather, mass destruction stretched over a period of time. How would it pain you, if the people beside you, disappeared one by one? And the news would announce death hourly! By then, what can you do? It is that serious. We don't have much time. After 2012, that's it. We have to act now.

    There is no need to wait for some super invention that helps absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We already have plants. Beautiful plants and trees, that have helped us all along. Now, we have to change our plate. At least, if you switch now and die tomorrow, you die in honour! You die smiling, because you have done your duty. You have finally become vegetarian! It is a real crisis. We should stop all, until we overcome this crisis. Because if the Earth gets destroyed, we will also get destroyed! Don't have to talk about going bowling or anything. We will be gone by then. We will all be wiped out. But why don't you see?

    You can continue to argue today, and claim to change tomorrow. When will that tomorrow come? Tomorrow's tomorrow? Or the day after that? Or are you never going to change? The moment the government gives up on this disease, it's going to wipe out thousands of people. And many people are going to die. It is truly, that serious.

    Why can't you just put down that piece of meat, for all lives on this planet? For the sake of all beings, that are at the mercy of your hand? Do not wait until the weekend to act, let's take action now. If not, you could be gone even before you can choose or even think of doing anything.

    Anyway, what is the difference? You can continue to eat meat now, and then later, when the world is in disastrous state, you won't even have animals to eat anymore! Can you ever visualise leading a life without our animal friends? Without our insect buddies? Walking down the street, no cat would be there to approach you, and rub against your leg. No bees would be there to fly around you, and pollinate the flowers. Perhaps there might not be any plants at all! Only you, in this lonely place. These animals have come to colour our lives, we cannot live without them. We cannot live without the sea. So how can we still fish, and consume part of our body?


    the green frog signed off @ 7:13 PM