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Save the EARTH, save the ENVIRONMENT, save EVERYONE!

Halt global warming today!
Earth, environment, everyone will introduce you to the new, nobler lifestyle: the vegan lifestyle that encompases all life on this planet. We will also provide you with occasional quick tips that improve the lives for all beings. More will come, including constructive news on good humanitarian works around the world, as well as vegan recipes. Enjoy!
Feel free to leave your comments/greetings at the cbox. :)
If you have any enquiries please send them to climateconscious@hotmail.com

A brief introduction
Earth, environment, everyone got its name from the link that global warming affects the earth, environment, and everyone.

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  • Supreme Master Television

  • God's direct contact

  • God's direct contact (chinese)

  • Lasm-lightup

  • I will save the earth

  • Loving Hut (Singapore)

  • Atlas of our changing environment

  • Lifestyle changes for a healthy planet

  • Kids for saving Earth

  • Light ship

  • Romanian vegan recipes

  • The celestial shop

  • Alpha inventions

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    Designer; {lolilovee/:D}
    Others; x o x o x o
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    Quick tip #2 -- Our ant friends
    Monday, July 6, 2009

    A little tip to save the earth.

    Have you ever had ants coming into the house? Our ant friends might be very small that sometimes we overlook them! So to avoid accidentally crushing their poor bodies in often used area, trying using ground cinnamon or the herb called catnip; sprinkle it on their path and where the ants are coming into the house. What also works well is a mixture of two-thirds of a cup water and one-third of a cup of vinegar. The mixture can be sprayed on the ant path. This way, you can keep them away without hurting them.

    Thank you for your extended care to our precious ant-buddies! Have a nice day collaborating with them.

    Source: http://suprememastertv.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=daily_tips&wr_id=99
    (Text was slightly edited)


    the green frog signed off @ 1:16 PM